Project: Harmonia


Harmonia is a command-line-based personal task manager, which helps university students to manage their academic tasks. It is written in Java and has a GUI implemented with JavaFX.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Evolve Storage to TaskList: #108

  • Added TaskListStorage to implement storage functionality
  • Added JsonSerializableTaskList to support JSON storage of TaskList
  • Added JsonTaskListStorage to access data stored JSON file
  • Added JsonAdaptedTask to store Task in Jackson friendly format
  • Updated Storage to implement API for Storage component
  • Updated StorageManager to manage TaskList data in local storage
  • Updated Deadline, CompletionStatus to support its storage

Add Mark Command: #129

  • Added MarkCommand to mark a specified task as complete
  • Added MarkCommandParser to parse user input along with mark command word
  • Updated HarmoniaParser to parse mark command word
  • Updated Model, ModelManager, TaskList to support marking of a task
  • Updated UniqueTaskList with method to check if exactly the same task exists

Add Unmark Command: #133

  • Added UnmarkCommand to mark a specified task as incomplete
  • Added UnmarkCommandParser to parse user input along with unmark command word
  • Updated HarmoniaParser to parse unmark command word
  • Updated Model, ModelManager, TaskList and UniqueTaskList to abstract out the logic need for both MarkCommand and UnmarkCommand

Test MarkCommand and MarkCommandParser: #142

  • Tested MarkCommand and MarkCommandParser
  • Updated HarmoniaParserTest

Test Storage: #144

  • Tested AddSerializableTaskList
  • Updated StorageManagerTest and JsonAdaptedTask
  • Added and updated JSON files required for testing

Test JsonUserPrefsStorage and JsonTaskListStorage: #149

  • Tested JsonTaskListStorage
  • Updated JsonUserPrefsStorageTest and JSON files required for testing

Test UnmarkCommand and UnmarkCommand: #150

  • Tested UnmarkCommandParser and UnmarkCommand
  • Updated HarmoniaParserTest and helper classes and files: TypicalTasks, TypicalIndexes, and typicalTaskList.json

Test Sorting functionality: #327

  • Tested SortKey, SortOrder, ComparatorFactory, SortCommand, SortCommandParser and sort in HarmoniaParser

Code contributed: RepoSense link


  • User Guide
    • Added Mark, Unmark, Edit, Exit, Saving Data, Command Summary and made changes to Notes about Command Format #64
    • Updated Edit, Sort and Edit Data File and Command Summary to reflect the new changes #189
    • Updated Table of Contents (TOC) and add Return to TOC links. #193
    • Updated Sort section and made changed to improve readability #290
  • Developer Guide
    • Added section on Mark/Unmark functionality which also includes MarkSequenceDiagram.puml and MarkSequenceDiagram.png #167
    • Added section on Sorting, updated Storage Component, Logic and UI sections and improve readability #296


  • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial comments): #115, #128, #261
  • Provided suggestions on implementations to other team members

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bug on Unmark to allow bulk un-marking #260
  • Fixed bug on Sorting to case-insensitive #260
  • Fixed bugs on Sorting #280:
    • Updated Messages to be consistent with number of tasks shown
    • Updated EditCommand to only show filtered tasks
    • Updated Model and ModelManager to sort task by DEFAULT_COMPARATOR and reset sort
    • Updated LogicManager to preserve ordering
  • Fixed bug on Storage testing #300
