Project: Harmonia


Harmonia is a command-line-based personal task manager, which helps university students to manage their academic tasks. It is written in Java and has a GUI implemented with JavaFX.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Improved GUI: #203

  • Created initial high-fidelity wireframes on Figma
  • Tweaked padding, fonts, colours and alignments according to initial wireframes to make the GUI more pleasing to look at
  • Enhanced responsiveness of the application, to ensure that the application displays content as intended at all screen sizes

Evolved Addressbook into Harmonia: #100

  • Add new Task class and its corresponding property classes (Name, Description, Tags, isCompleted, Deadline)
  • Modify Addressbook into a TaskList
  • Add Task exceptions
  • Update Model and UserPrefs

Added the Priority feature: #153

  • What it does: a feature that allows the user to attach priorities to tasks
  • Justification: This feature enhances the product as it allows a user to tag attach an importance to their task, to ensure that they can quickly prioritise what they want to do
  • Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands such as Add, Edit, Find and Sort commands.

Conducted testing:

  • Tested the model #147, #317
  • Tested Task and its properties (Completion Status, Deadline, Description, Name, Task, NameContainsKeywordsPredicateTest, UniqueTaskListTest)
  • Tested TaskList and ModelManager
  • Tested Tag #271

Code contributed: RepoSense link

Project management


  • User Guide
    • Added documentation for the About section (Purpose, How to use the guide, Typography, Special Symbols) #184
    • Added documentation to explain the GUI #207
    • Added images of the GUI to better explain features #278
  • Developer Guide
    • Added documentation for the Priority feature #158
    • Added documentation for the Model in the design component #283
    • Added documentation for Harmonia’s target user profile, value proposition, user stories, NFR and glossary #57
    • Added documentation for use cases #107
  • Conducted cosmetic tweaks to improve consistency of documentation in terms of formatting and language used #107, #194, #325


  • Set up the GitHub team org/repo, initial project, and Gradle
  • Managed issue tracker
  • Changed the icon of Harmonia #314
  • Updated codecov and CI status badge #89
  • Integrated different parts of the system to ensure that the product is functional #127, #141
  • Identified inconsistencies or bugs, and performed hotfixes #201, #159, #277, #271, #266, #267, #325
  • Updated Home page, the AboutUs page, and site-wide settings of the documentation #88, #53, #195
  • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #160, #129, #263, #264, #280, #296, #316, #327
  • Took part in informal code reviews and provided suggestions on implementations
