Project: Harmonia


Harmonia is a command-line-based personal task manager, which helps university students to manage their academic tasks. It is written in Java and has a GUI implemented with JavaFX.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Evolved AddressBook into Harmonia:

  • Modified EditCommand and EditCommandParser by replacing the fields in AB3 (phone, email, address) with fields used in Harmonia (description, deadline) #125
  • Modified FindCommand and ClearCommand to suit Harmonia #121
  • Replaced sample data for AB3 with sample data for Harmonia

Enhancement to the find feature: #156

  • Added support to search by tags

Enhancement to the help feature: #188

  • What it does: Gives users the option to open the user guide using their default browser
  • Justification: This enhancement provides convenience for users as they can choose to view the user guide by clicking the button instead of copying and pasting the url into another browser window
  • Credits: Code to open url using default browser adapted from here

Enhancement to the list feature: #196

  • What it does: Allows user to view a list of tags currently used in the task list
  • Justification: This enhancement complements other features whereby users can view the currently used tags in the task list before executing the other commands such as add, edit and find

Conducted Testing:

  • Modified test utilities #130
  • Modified tests for edit, find and clear commands #137
  • Modified test for LogicManager
  • Wrote additional tests for TagList and list command #274
  • Updated tests for add and edit commands to include the Priority field
  • Wrote additional tests for delete command to include deletion of multiple indexes #299

Code contributed: RepoSense link

Project management:

  • Managed release v1.2
  • Helped to wrap up and close milestone v1.3


  • User Guide #186, #200, #276
    • Added documentation for sections Getting Started and Command format
    • Updated documentation for the edit feature
    • Updated documentation for the list t/ feature
    • Added documentation for the clear feature
    • Conducted cosmetic tweaks to improve consistency of documentation in terms of formatting and language used
  • Developer Guide
    • Updated documentation for Architecture in the design section #295
    • Added implementation details for search by tags #163
    • Added implementation details for list tags #320
    • Updated proposed implementation of undo/redo feature
    • Added documentation for use cases #61

