Project: Harmonia

Overview Harmonia is a command-line-based personal task manager, which helps university students to manage their academic tasks. It is written in Java and has a GUI implemented with JavaFX.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Refactoring the code from AddressBook to Harmonia: (#116, #128, #139)

  • Modified Logic
  • Modified LogicManager
  • Modified MainWindow
  • Refactored PersonListPanel to TaskListPanel
  • Refactored PersonCard to TaskCard
  • Modified MainWindow.fxml
  • Refactored PersonListCard.fxml to TaskListCard.fxml
  • Refactored PersonListPanel.fxml to TaskListPanel.fxml
  • Removed unused files from AddressBook that were irrelevant to Harmonia

Added Mass Operations: (#139, #191)

  • What it does: an enhancement that allows users to mark, unmark and delete multiple indexes in a single command.
  • Justification: This enhancement increases the efficiency-levels of our users, who are individuals who want to get their task management done quickly.
  • Highlight: Added this enhancement to the existing Mark, Unmark and Delete commands.
  • Added new class MassOpsParser to process the multiple indexes in the user input.
  • Updated MarkCommand
  • Updated UnmarkCommand
  • Updated MarkCommandParser
  • Updated UnmarkCommandParser
  • Updated DeleteCommand
  • Updated DeleteCommandParser

Code contributed: RepoSense link

Project management


  • User Guide
    • Added documentation for the Quick Start section (#74)
    • Added table of contents in the beginning (#91)
    • Updated documentation for the Features section (Add, List, Mark, Unmark) (#183, #199)
    • Replaced images of mass marking and mass unmarking to better explain the features (#216)
  • Developer Guide
    • Added documentation for MassOperations (#171, #323)
      • Added documentation for mass marking, unmarking and deleting
    • Added documentation for Appendix: Instructions for manual testing
      • Added documentation for add, edit, list, list t/, mark, unmark, help


  • Updated TestUtil (#128)
  • Wrote tests for: (#319)
    • MarkCommand
    • UnmarkCommand
    • MarkCommandParser
    • UnmarkCommandParser
    • MassOpsParserTest
    • HarmoniaTest (mark, unmark, delete)

